Here are the steps required to get a numeric keypad logon keyboard in My-T-Soft 1.78 with Build-A-Board 2.20. This will use Windows 7 as an example - if using 2000/XP, use \Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents in place of \Users\Public\Public Documents\
- Enable logon for My-T-Soft - open My-T-Soft Logon Utilities | Setup/Configure logon and click on Enable Onscreen Keyboard logon - select default/small keyboard on left hand side. OK / Exit, and when asked to restart, say No at this point.
- Obtain 2.10 Numpad example (this assumes you haven't upgraded from Build-A-Board 2.10, and don't have any native 2.10 layouts - you must start with a 2.10 layout, as the My-T-Soft 1.xx software uses the ANSI 2.10 format) - Using Windows explorer, Browse to \Users\Public\Public Documents\Build-A-Board\SOURCE, then create a NUM1024 folder
- In the Windows explorer address bar (or use browser), go to - when prompted to save/download, save in the \Users\Public\Public Documents\Build-A-Board\SOURCE\NUM1024 location
- Now run Build-A-Board, and scroll down to the NUM1024 project - select it, and when prompted, answer NO (do not convert), and YES to work on the 2.10 project. Then press F11 and Select Win 95-XP (ANSI 2.10) Target
- Press F9 to Build - you can also modify, and do the iterative build/test to work with the project.
- Press Shift-F11 to view output folder. Copy KEYBOARD.KBF in this folder to \Program Files\MYTSOFT\LOGON
- Close and save project, then restart system - the built layout will appear in the logon screens
Updating the KEYBOARD.KBF in the \Program Files\MYTSOFT\LOGON folder from a built 2.10 project will be the keyboard used at logon - you will need to restart to reload the layout.
(Note: If using 1.77 or earlier, the location would be \WINDOWS\MYTSOFT\LOGON)
Category: Using | Type: Question/Answer | Product: Build-A-Board | Version: 2.20 |
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