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Joystick-To-Mouse Initialization File Description


Below are the default (as shipped) settings for the Initialization file for Joystick-To-Mouse. Comments are provided to assist the user. Most settings are handled within the application. Additional sound files can be added as noted below. Note that a significant number of settings are used with the Relative mode setting only.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER Registry Entries - To allow multiple users with different settings, many of the settings are stored in the registry for the current user. This is the approach Joystick-To-Mouse uses to establish & use the registry.

At Joystick-To-Mouse start, the Registry is checked for:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Innovation Management Group\Joystick-To-Mouse] "Version"="2.80"

If this is not present, it will be created, and all of the settings stored in the Registry will be established. From that point forward, the registry will be used for all personal settings (indicated with the setting below as ;REG - personal)

If it is present, the registry will be read, and will be used for all personal settings.

There is an override - see DoNotUseRegistry setting below.


This documentation of settings covers changes over 27 years and not all settings are in use or relevant in the current release. If there are specific technical issues that can't be resolved by the reference information here, please contact IMG Technical Support.

Note: Certain settings (Presets, etc.) are saved back to the INI, even if the registry is in use. In versions of Windows with a limited user and User Account Control, this saved file will not be saved in the installation folder, but in a Virtual location for the current user. See \Users\[User Name]\AppData\VirtualStore\Program Files\Joystick-To-Mouse for the INI and Macro files.



REG - personal

FirstStart forces the calibration of the Joystick when the program is first begun - if there was no previous installation of the joystick, this is required to begin using Joystick-To-Mouse.


REG - personal

OperationMode=1 is the absolute mode, where the joystick's position corresponds directly to the mouse cursor position. OperationMode=2 is the relative mode, where the joystick's position affects the mouse cursor's movement.


REG - personal

Joystick=1 or Joystick=2 indicates which joystick affects the mouse cursor. If there is only one joystick, then it must be Joystick=1

NOTE: All joystick buttons are available regardless of this setting. This means that up to 8 different button settings can be used for various actions. Note that the gameport only has 4 distinct "button" connections. The implementation in Joystick-To-Mouse encompasses the capabilities of the Joystick Driver to report Joystick events. In almost all cases, Joystick=1 is the proper setting for Joystick-To-Mouse.


REG - personal

AutoStart=1 indicates that the joystick operation will begin when the program begins. AutoStart=0 means the Joystick-To-Mouse is set to off (inactive) when the software begins.


REG - personal

AutoCalibrate=1 indicates that calibration should be run each time the program begins. AutoCalibrate=0 forces the user to select the calibration option.

NOTE: For the Relative mode of operation, it may be necessary on some systems to run the calibration utility (although not actually go through the calibration portion). The default calibration routine is the one provided by Microsoft. Any program (including Joystick-To-Mouse) that uses the Joystick in Windows requires this driver, or one that is compatible.

2.50 NOTE: Due to various inconsistencies with joysticks, and driver initialization, 2 new Calibration Methods were introduced.

See CalibrateMethod below.


REG - personal

IMPORTANT: This value depends on the setting of AnalogJoystick! Also, if the Operation Mode is Absolute, this setting is ignored. If AnalogJoystick=1 then this setting uses the calculation with AnalogCenterFactor as described below. The default is AutoAssumeCenter=1. If AutoAssumeCenter=0, then the CenterRangeX and CenterRangeY should be increased dramatically to "soften" the response of the joystick while at center position. If AnalogJoystick=0, then the following applies: If AutoAssumeCenter=1 then the center position of the joystick at Start Joystick (or Auto-Start) will be used to calculate an offset, and this value will continue to be used throughout Joystick-To-Mouse operation from that point on. The default should be AutoAssumeCenter=0 if AnalogJoystick=0.


REG - personal

IconOffScreen=1 moves the minimized icon off screen so it does not appear in the lower left of the screen at start-up. The program can still be accessed, etc. by the Task Manager. If IconOffScreen=0 then the program will behave as a normal windows application when minimized. This setting does not apply in Windows 95.


REG - personal

IconOnTop=0 means the icon will act as a normal icon on the desktop. IconOnTop=1 means the icon will be a "topmost" window, and be visible above all normal windows. Note the IconOffScreen must be 0 to make this setting effective. This setting does not apply in Windows 95.


REG - personal

Advanced=0 disables the advanced settings of Joystick-To-Mouse. Advanced=1 allows the user to access all of the dialog boxes and settings for Joystick-To-Mouse. Most of these settings require a good understanding of Windows, joysticks, and other issues. This is primarily for accomplished or "power" users who need more control of the Windows operating environment.


REG - personal

IntelligentCursor=1 indicates that Intelligent cursor positioning will be used for Dialog boxes, and results in the mouse cursor to automatically position itself on the default control of standard Windows dialogs. IntelligentCursor=0 disables this action.



REG - personal

These settings are tied together via the "Display & Cursor Options" within Joystick-To-Mouse. If set to 1, then the cursor will not use the screen edge as a boundary, and will "wrap" to the opposite side. This will allow continuous motion in the movement direction. For special situations, these settings can be edited within this initialization file for horizontal (X) or vertical (Y) motion. If these are edited manually, the option should not be accessed within Joystick-To-Mouse.


REG - personal

This indicates how many timer ticks (increments) the software will wait before moving the mouse cursor (when the joystick is off center).

Relative Mode Only

2.50 Notes: The WindowsTimerInterval has been included that affects the timer ticks for more control from the end-user. It is important to realize that Windows does not support very fine timer ticks below 20 ms. Also, various special features rely on the timer ticks to monitor the Windows environment (AutoSense, Wizards's Helpers, etc.) and they may be affected if this is too high, or the WindowsTimerInterval is too long.




REG - personal

The three speed factors are used to calculate the X & Y velocity in the following manner:

- For a 640 x 480 display

(Position Off Center X {-320 to 320} - Center Range X) times SpeedX



Position Off Center Y {-240 to 240} - Center Range Y) times SpeedY



2.50 Note: The SpeedX and SpeedY settings, in addition to what is documented above, take on additional meanings when acceleration, and Turbocharged acceleration are used. Refer to the Acceleration discussions in this document for more details.

Relative Mode Only



REG - personal

The Center Range indicates how far the joystick has to be off center before a velocity will be registered within the program. The larger the values, the less sensitive the joystick will be. However, if they are too large it may prevent the joystick from operating.

2.50 Note: This setting is accessible via the Joystick-To-Mouse Calibration dialog, or from Advanced Settings: Joystick Options, from the Advanced Settings, Joystick Settings dialog. Relative Mode Only


REG - personal

2.50 Note: This setting has changed its internal meaning from previous versions.

If Multiply=1 then acceleration is enabled, based on the AccelerateMethod value (see below).

If Multiply=0 then the calculated speed is used, and no acceleration is used.

Relative Mode Only



REG - personal

There are 5 different Acceleration Methods available within Joystick-To-Mouse. These are indicated approximately by the graphical displays for the Acceleration Method within Joystick-To-Mouse. They are not true acceleration! The following method has been developed based on physical testing & human factors, and the goal of providing the right "feel" to the joystick as an interface approach of moving the cursor pointing device within Windows. In all cases, each method establishes 10 distinct values. Based on the Relative Mode Speed (SpeedX or SpeedY above), the Joystick when moved off center can generate a value between -Speed and +Speed over the entire range of the Joystick. If the Speed is set to 5, then the range (mapped onto the full range of the Joystick as calibrated) will be -5 to +5 in each direction(X,Y). If Speed is 10, then the range is -10 to +10. If "Acceleration" is enabled (Multiply=1), then the reported speed value is used to look up in the table as indicated by the Acceleration Method, and the resultant velocity is used to move the Cursor.

Special Notes:

Custom - the custom setting allows the user to modify these 10 values, providing complete control over the Joystick response curve. As a convenience, the pre-programmed ;values of the Quick & Enhanced curves may be retrieved, for ;reference, or modification. Important Note: To use all 10 ;values, the Relative Mode Speed must be maximum (i.e. 10)!

Linear - The linear method takes the reported speed value and multiplies it by the Linear Factor, e.g. a Linear Factor=1 results in no change at all (same as Multiply=0); where 2 causes 1,2,3 to be 2,4,6; 3 causes 1,2,3 to be 3,6,9; etc.

Relative Mode Only


REG - personal

If InvertX=1 then the calculated internal motion is reversed around the X, or horizontal axis. Internally this takes the negative value of the current motion amount calculated (i.e. if the value is 4, it becomes -4, and if it is -3 it becomes 3).

If InvertX=0, then no modification is done.

Relative Mode Only


REG - personal

If InvertY=1 then the calculated internal motion is reversed around the Y, or vertical axis.

If InvertY=0, then no modification is done.

Relative Mode Only


REG - personal









REG - personal

These are the values that indicate what action the joystick button will perform when pressed. Note that most joysticks only have 1 or 2 buttons. Also note that there are only 4 total buttons supported by the standard Game Port, however the Joystick Drivers in Windows provide for all of the above values. In order to maintain compatibility to other devices that interface via the Joystick driver, support for 8 buttons has been provided. The number corresponds to an internal list of entries shown in the list boxes in the button settings portion of the program.

This is the list of settings & button descriptions:

0 "Left Button"

1 "Right Button"

2 "Middle Button"

3 "Toggle Left Button"

4 "Toggle Right Button"

5 "Toggle Middle Button"

6 "Double-Click Left"

7 "Double-Click Right"

8 "Double-Click Middle"

9 "Macro 1"

10 "Macro 2"

11 "Enter Key"

12 "Escape Key"

13 "Tab Key"

14 "Space Bar"

15 "BackSpace Key"

16 "Up-Arrow"

17 "Down-Arrow"

18 "Left-Arrow"

19 "Right-Arrow"

20 "Insert"

21 "Delete"

22 "Home"

23 "End"

24 "Page Up"

25 "Page Down"

26 "F1 (Help)"

27 "F2"

28 "F3"

29 "F4"

30 "F5"

31 "F6"

32 "F7"

33 "F8"

34 "F9"

35 "F10 (Menu)"

36 "F11"

37 "F12"

38 "Shift Key Toggle"

39 "Ctrl Key Toggle"

40 "Alt Key Toggle"

41 "Ctrl-Ins (Copy)"

42 "Shift-Ins (Paste)"

43 "Shift-Del (Cut)"

44 "Ctrl-Del (Clear)"

45 "Alt-Backspace (Undo)"

46 "Alt-F4 (Close Window)"

47 "Alt-Tab (Next App)"

48 "Alt-Esc (Find App)"

49 "Alt-Space (Sys. Menu)"

50 "Alt-Y (Yes)"

51 "Alt-N (No)"

52 "Shift-Tab"

53 "Shift-F4 (Tile)"

54 "Shift-F5 (Cascade)"

55 "Ctrl-F4 (Close Child)"

56 "Ctrl-Tab (Select Child)"

57 "Ctrl-Esc (Task List)"

58 "Ctrl-Space"

59 "Ctrl-Backspace"

60 "Ctrl-Enter"

61 "Ctrl-Home"

62 "Ctrl-End"

63 "Ctrl-Page Up"

64 "Ctrl-Page Down"

65 "Ctrl-Up"

66 "Ctrl-Down"

67 "Ctrl-Left"

68 "Ctrl-Right"

69 "Toggle Motion / Keys"

70 "X1 Button (Backward)"

71 "X1 Button Toggle"

72 "X2 Button (Forward)"

73 "X2 Button Toggle"

74 "Wheel Down"

75 "Wheel Up"

76 "Ctrl-X (Cut)"

77 "Ctrl-C (Copy)"

78 "Ctrl-V (Paste)"

79 "Ctrl-W (Close)"

80 "Ctrl-Z (Undo)"

81 "Ignore Button Press"

82 "Move Cursor Left (X)"

83 "Move Cursor Right (X)"

84 "Move Cursor Up (Y)"

85 "Move Cursor Down (Y)"

86 "Wheel Down (Spin)"

87 "Wheel Up (Spin)"

88 "Toggle Speed"

89 "Toggle Speed/Click"

90 "Windows Key"

91 "Application Key"


Version 2.51 & previous only

The Alternate setting is used for single button double-click in Windows 95. This should be set to 0 for Windows 3.1, 3.11, etc. and set to 1 for Windows 95. Dependent on the user, settings, the system, applications, and other drivers in the system, this may be changed and tested with the end-user. Please note that in testing, with Alternate=0, Windows 95 will never receive a double-click if a joystick button is set to a mouse button. In some cases this may be preferred, especially since the right button menus, etc. in Windows 95 can open applications from icons. 2.51 Note: Alternate=2 may be also be used in Windows 95. This preserves the original approach by delaying the up-button event. This does cause a slight-delay which could be noticed by the user. In testing, the new approach (Alternate=1) operates cleanly, and does not create any side-effects. It is the preferred and recommended setting.


Version 2.51 & previous only

This setting is only used when Alternate=1or Alternate=2.

Valid settings are 1-20.

The range of 3 - 8 is probably optimum for most users. For Alternate=1, this is the number of 50 millisecond increments to count down while waiting for another down button press. If the user does press the button while this value is set, then a double-click message will be generated by Joystick-To-Mouse. This effectively results in a click, click, double-click sequence being sent to a control. In testing, this seems to correspond more closely to the way the mouse clicks are interpreted in Windows 95. Note that settings below 3 may not allow enough time to consistently generate a double-click.

For Alternate=2, this is the number of 50 millisecond increments delayed before sending the up button message through after the down button message has been sent. In Windows 95 it is this period where another down button message will generate a double-click. However, the setting will cause a delay in usage, and can result in an unintuitive interface, because if the mouse cursor has moved before the up button event message has been sent, various windows controls may not operate as assumed by the user.


REG - personal

This is only used in Windows 95 when the Intelligent Cursor option is enabled (IntelligentCursor=1). If the user has set one of the joystick's buttons to be a right mouse button, then the cursor will move right and down on the screen (in pixels) the amount set here when a popup menu appears after the right button click. Valid values are 3 - 20.

This is useful in highlighting the Open selection when launching icons from Explorer, etc.


REG - personal

This is the current Threshold value required before a joystick move message is generated by the driver software. The higher the value, the further the joystick must be moved to generate a new value. If too high, then no amount of motion will generate a joystick move message, and Joystick-To-Mouse will not operate properly, if at all. Lower values increase sensitivity, but if it is set too low, spurious values may result, and operation may be inconsistent.


REG - personal

This is the maximum threshold value available from the Joystick Motion Threshold Scroll Bar control. If the value is too high, or greater than the maximum values the joystick can generate, then no motion will be generated, and it will effectively hinder Joystick-To-Mouse operation. The default value is 2000.


REG - personal

This setting is referred to as Use Adaptive Internal calculations within Joystick-To-Mouse (Advanced) | Joystick. This setting indicates that special handling & value manipulation is performed, due to the low precision of most standard analog joysticks. AnalogJoystick=0 performs a linear calculation based on joystick values, and should be used only for precision joysticks or digital joysticks.


REG - personal

This setting is only used if AnalogJoystick=1

This is used internally to calculate the Center range where joystick values do not generate motion during relative mode operation. The calculation is CenterRangeX * AnalogCenterFactor. This value is subtracted from center on both sides of center for both axes, and any joystick values in this range are ignored, resulting in velocities of 0. The default value is 120. Larger values increase the required motion to generate cursor motion.


REG - personal

This setting is used to define the upper value possible for setting the CenterRangeX and CenterRangeY within the Joystick-To-Mouse Custom Calibrate & Joystick

Option dialogs.


REG - personal

This setting is for checking the actual values reported by the joystick to Joystick-To-Mouse. The default is DisplayValues=0. If DisplayValues=1, then the X and Y coordinates reported by the joystick will be shown on the upper left corner of the screen display. This could be useful for fine tuning the calibration, or to verify operation, orientation, etc. of the joystick.

2.50 Note: The Joystick-To-Mouse Calibration dialog is the preferred approach to dealing with joystick values, testing, and diagnostics.

Also, the following values allow additional "debugging": DisplayValues=2 displays the above, with the calculated Internal

Velocity values.

DisplayValues=3 displays the above, and actual velocity values used to move the cursor within Windows.

DisplayValues=4 displays all of the above with gameport values reported by the hardware.

DisplayValues=5 displays all of the above with an internal Timer Tick counter (for monitoring system time ticks).


REG - personal

This setting enables or disables the automatic button press timer. This setting is only available during relative mode operation.

If EnableDwell=0, then the dwell timer will not be used, and there will be no automatic operation of button presses. If EnableDwell=1, then the DwellTime below (in units of 50 ms) will generate an automatic button press (Button 1) when the joystick is left idle for the dwell time period.


REG - personal

This setting allows the override of the default button press for the automatic button press / dwell timer.

2.50 Note: These settings are accessible via the Advanced Button Settings Dialog.

The following values are valid:

1 = Joystick 1, Button 1 (default)

2 = Joystick 1, Button 2

3 = Joystick 1, Button 3

4 = Joystick 1, Button 4

5 = Joystick 2, Button 1

6 = Joystick 2, Button 2

7 = Joystick 2, Button 3

8 = Joystick 2, Button 4


REG - personal

This is the number of time periods that are required to pass while the joystick is idle, before an automatic button press is generated. The default value is 15. This corresponds to 750 ms, or 3/4 of a second. This is affected by the WindowsTimerInterval setting.


REG - personal

The following is for Version 2.51 and previous. In the Win32 2.60 version, this setting is not used externally. The user selects the Calibration method from the Calibration Method dialog when Calibrate is selected.

There are three Calibration Methods:

CalibrateMethod=1 is the default Windows / Control Panel based calibration procedure. Although different in Windows 3.1 and Windows 95, the concept & capabilities are similar.

CalibrateMethod=2 is the "Reset to previous Calibration" method. It was found in testing within Windows 3.1 that drift and other problems could be resolved by running the calibration routine, and simply selecting OK - no calibration or testing was required. To accommodate installations where this sequence of events was required for consistent operation, this method was implemented. It does not apply in Windows 95, which seems more consistent in its calibration settings. The length of time before the dialog is OK'ed is indicated by the CalibrateWait setting below.

CalibrateMethod=3 is the Joystick-To-Mouse Custom Calibration dialog. Key Joystick settings and visual display indicate what is actually happening. It was included primarily for Advanced users and for technical support issues.


REG - personal

The CalibrateWait is the number of timer intervals that the Windows 3.1 Calibration dialog is displayed before the Automatic Enter Key is sent.


REG - personal

This setting indicates whether the Joystick-To-Mouse Opening Logo is displayed or not. DisplayOpening=1 displays the logo, DisplayOpening=0 disables the logo.


REG - personal

This setting is a hold over from development versions. All of the Joystick-To-Mouse user interface is driven by the menu & option dialogs, but hidden behind it all is an actual "Window". The default is off, or DisplayWindow=0. For additional visual feedback, set DisplayWindow=1 to display the Joystick-To-Mouse window with logos. This is the Advanced, Program options | Display & Cursor Options | Display background window


REG - personal

This setting is an Advanced Setting available from Display & Cursor Options. DisplayExit=1 indicates the Exit Joystick-To-Mouse Exit Dialog will include Restart Windows & Exit Windows Options. The default is DisplayExit=0, which simply displays Yes or No buttons.


REG - personal

This setting indicates whether the small Quick Help windows will be displayed while hovering over the dialog controls. This is accessible from the Display & Cursor Options. 1 indicates the help will be displayed, while 0 indicates that there will be no Quick Help.


REG - personal

WarpSpeed=1 indicates that TurboCharged cursor acceleration is enabled, and WarpSpeed=0 disables this type of acceleration. The TurboCharged acceleration is true acceleration (change in velocity over time), but is affected by various settings, and should not be considered by the definition (see below). These approaches to the acceleration were done to enhance the "feel" of the joystick as the primary input device.


REG - personal

This is a factor used in applying the acceleration. Larger numbers means the acceleration is affected more pronounced.


REG - personal

This is if the Acceleration is applied Linearly (adding over time), or Fast (multiplying over time). Because the velocity is not true velocity (i.e. the acceleration method / acceleration curve values), the TurboCharged acceleration was modified to enhance the end result.

WarpMode=1 indicates Linear approach, and WarpMode=2 indicates Fast approach.


REG - personal

This is the engage delay, i.e. how long while moving in current direction until the affect of the "TurboCharger" is engaged.


REG - personal

This is the internal multiplication factor when WarpMode=2.






REG - personal

The KeyButton settings indicate which Keystroke will be sent for the corresponding direction.

KeyButton1 is for the up position.

KeyButton2 is for the left position.

KeyButton3 is for the down position.

KeyButton4 is for the right position.

KeyButton5 is for the Override Button 1 option.

The keystrokes correspond to the 0 based list found in the Joystick Key Assignments for the Toggle Motion / Keys button setting. When in use, the Joystick-To-Mouse operates normally until the button set to Toggle Motion / Keys is pressed. Once pressed the joystick will now send keystrokes based on the settings above, and the KeyMode setting below.


REG - personal

If KeyOverride=1 then the Button 1 Setting (OneButton1) is overridden when the Mode is toggled to the Keys mode. The Setting of KeyButton5 is used instead - this was included for 2 button Joysticks and applications that have the need to use another keystroke, and would normally have the Button 1 set to Left Button while in Motion Mode. The default is KeyOverride=0.


REG - personal

This setting indicates whether the keystroke action will be single-shot, or continuous while the joystick is moved in the appropriate direction. KeyMode=1 indicates that Up/Down motion & Left/Right motion will trigger a single-shot keystroke.

KeyMode=2 indicates that Up/Down motion will cause continuous keystrokes, and Left/Right motion will trigger a single-shot keystroke.

KeyMode=3 indicates that Up/Down motion will trigger a single-shot keystroke, and Left/Right motion will cause continuous keystrokes.

KeyMode=4 indicates that Up/Down & Left/Right motion will cause continuous keystrokes.

The single-shot locks out additional keystrokes for the particular direction. Either the Joystick must be centered, or pulled in the opposite direction to allow another keystroke to be sent.

The continuous keystrokes are sent according to the timer period (WindowsTimerInterval) setting.




REG - personal

The above are the settings for the customized acceleration curves. Note that the custom settings can be edited & changed within Joystick-To-Mouse when the Custom acceleration method is selected.


REG - personal

This is an override for all the AJC* settings below. The Advanced Joystick Capabilities include the Z Axis, Rudder, POV hat, and buttons 9-32. If this AdvancedJoystickCaps=1, then all these are enabled or disabled individually, if AdvancedJoystickCaps=0 then none of these settings are referenced during Joystick-To-Mouse operation.


REG - personal

This is the setting to enable Buttons 5-8, and 9-32. The original joystick API only allowed for 4 buttons, so this override affects Joystick-To-Mouse monitoring of the buttons 5-32. If AJC_Buttons=1 then the buttons are monitored. If AJC_Buttons=0, then they are ignored.


REG - personal

When AJC_POV=1, the Point of View (POV) hat is monitored. If AJC_POV=0, then it is ignored. When AJC_POV=1 and the POV is moved, the following mapping occurs:

POV Up (315, 0, 45 degrees) sends Mouse Wheel Up motion (as if you are scrolling the Mouse Wheel up)

POV Down (135, 180, 225 degrees) sends Mouse Wheel Down motion (as if you are scrolling the Mouse Wheel down)

POV Left (270 degrees) sends X1 button (Backward)

POV Right (90 degrees) sends X2 button (Forward)

AJC_POV=2 swaps Up/Down & Left/Right

AJC_POV=3 maps the POV directions to the Arrow Keys (Up/Down/Left/Right)


REG - personal

The AJC_Rudder=1 setting indicates the rudder is monitored. If AJC_Rudder=0, then the rudder position is ignored.

When enabled, there are 8 operation modes as indicated:

0 "Horizontal Scroll"

1 "Vertical Scroll"

2 "Mouse Wheel"

3 "Fine Tune X Position"

4 "Fine Tune Y Position"

5 "Mouse Wheel (+ Auto)"

6 "Fine Tune X (+ Auto)"

7 "Fine Tune Y (+ Auto)"


REG - personal

When AJC_Rudder=1, this is the Operation Mode selected in Joystick-To-Mouse and used when the Rudder is moved.


REG - personal

The AJC_ZAxis=1 setting indicates the Z axis is monitored. If AJC_ZAxis=0, then the Z axis position is ignored.

The operation modes are the same as indicated in AJC_Rudder


REG - personal

When AJC_ZAxis=1, this is the Operation Mode selected in Joystick-To-Mouse and used when the Z Axis is moved.

























REG - personal

These are the settings for Buttons 9 through 32. By default the action is "Ignore button press" See the list of button settings under OneButton1, etc. above.


REG - personal

If Operator=1 then Joystick-To-Mouse will begin operation in the operator mode

The menu changes to the minimum options available, and a "supervisor" password is required to access Joystick-To-Mouse options. The default is Operator=0, and this should only be used in special installations. See StartActive, StopActive, etc. below for more details on securing the Operator Mode.


REG - personal

The above corresponds to the password "PASS" and if the password is changed within Joystick-To-Mouse and lost or forgotten, the above should be dropped into the existing JOY2MSE.INI file to reset the password to "PASS". The password is encoded at a basic level, and it should not be considered "high-security"!


REG - personal

This is a debugging tool to see if a particular application does not release control back to the system. Windows is supposed to be a cooperative multi-tasking environment, but applications can take over the entire system, effectively stopping other tasks, such as Joystick-To-Mouse. The default is WatchDogTimer=0, and should be left alone. WatchDogTimer=1 enables certain actions within Joystick-To-Mouse, but this is not for use by the end-user.


REG - personal

For completeness, the timer interval is included here. The setting is in milliseconds, but settings below 20 will probably not be accurate, as the Windows Application Timer capabilities run out at about 18ms. There may be installations where changing this into the 100-200 range could be useful in some cases. Note that this is integral to the Joystick-To-Mouse application and its design. In most cases it should not be changed.

If the setting is changed, all delays and certain features will be affected.

Important settings impacted by a change to this setting are:


DriftGuard (start delay)


Wizard's Helpers

Mouse Wheel, automated events


etc., etc.





REG - personal

These 4 settings are only used within Operator Mode (Operator=1). They allow the Supervisor the ability to disable the 4 available button Selections (Start Joystick, Stop Joystick, Calibrate, and Exit). If set to 1, then the button is active, if set to 0, then it is disabled. If all 4 are set to 0, then the only options available to the user would be the Options (which requires the password), OK (which closes the limited menu), Help (which displays the on-line help), and About, which lists the copyrights, etc. of Joystick-To-Mouse. If very secure operation is necessary, it may be advisable to delete the JOY2MSE.HLP file, or replace it with a different help file entirely to prevent the Operator from accessing additional information via the menu dialog.


REG - personal

Sound=0 means that sound is set to off. If sound is set to a number above 0, it means the appropriate sound will be played. 1 is the default PC speaker beep, 2-7 are the default Windows wave files as set in the WIN.INI, and 8 and above indicate one of the wave files in the [Sounds] section below.


REG - personal

WizardsHelper=1 is the default setting. This enables the Wizard's Helper throughout Windows 3.x and Windows 95. If there is a some reason that these Wizard's Helpers should be disabled (conflict, different Joystick drivers, etc.), then WizardsHelper should be set to 0.


REG - personal

This is the internal delay used before the Popup Help is displayed. The counter begins every time the cursor stops moving. If the counter reaches 0, and the cursor is over a control or button where Popup Help is available, the help is displayed. Larger values cause a longer delay period. See WindowsTimerInterval.


REG - personal

This is the indication that Joystick-To-Mouse has not shown the Password when the User Mode is selected, and the Joystick-To-Mouse Options button is pressed from the User Mode Menu. When set to 1 a Message is displayed telling the first user (hopefully the System Administrator) that the default password is "PASS". It is then set to 0 and not used. If Setup re-installs Joystick-To-Mouse, it will be set back to 1.


This is a global, INI only setting

This setting was added in 2.60 to accommodate both modes of working with settings - using the JOY2MSE.INI file, or using the Current User registry settings.

If DoNotUseRegisty=0, then the registry IS used, and the INI is read once, only if registry values need to be established.

If DoNotUseRegistry=1, then the registry IS NOT used, and the JOY2MSE.INI file holds all settings for all users on the system.


This is a global, INI only setting

Prior to 2.60, this was saved under the [Actions] section

This setting is used to enable or disable Actions.


This is a global, INI only setting Prior to 2.60, this was saved under the [Presets] section The Preset setting indicates which of the Presets is selected. The Preset0001, Preset0002, etc. listing provides all of the user modifiable settings so that the complete configuration can be saved, and selected at a later date.


This is a REG ONLY - personal setting

The DriftGuard feature sets a timer everytime Joystick-To-Mouse is started. If the cursor ends up in one of the 4 corners of the screen during this startup timer, then Joystick-To-Mouse will be turned off, and a dialog will be shown offering instructions on how to handle cursor drift. It is possible that in normal usage, this may become annoying, therefore this setting may be cleared by updating the registry:


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Innovation Management Group\Joystick-To-Mouse\Settings] "DriftGuard"="0"

Registry Update Instructions: Highlight the REGEDIT4 and any entries, then select Edit | Copy. Open notepad, select Edit | Paste. Save the file as UPDATE.REG (default My Documents). Use Windows Explorer to open My Documents, then double-click on UPDATE.REG. If asked, select Yes to update the registry.


This is a REG ONLY - personal setting

This is used by Joystick-To-Mouse to toggle which splash screen should be used - a licensed version, or demo version splash. It is handled internally by Joystick-To-Mouse, and this setting depends on whether or not Joystick-To-Mouse is licensed. Changing this setting will only affect the very next time Joystick-To-Mouse is run, since it is updated at start and end based on the license. Note that Joystick-To-Mouse must be licensed, then run and closed to clear the demo splash.

This is a global section, INI only settings



This setting is the sound played when the program begins. You may use any wave file, or set OnSound= to not play a sound when the program begins.





You may add or delete sound as necessary by following the number convention indicated. You may include the path to the sound. If there is no path, then the default directory for Joystick-To-Mouse is assumed. The information after the comma is the name that will appear to the user within the application (when selecting sounds). NOTE: Longer sounds may cause gaps in the operation, dependent on the speed of the system, the sound adapter, etc. The only "safe" sound on some systems may be the default speaker beep.

This is a global section, INI only settings


A reference list of which settings are saved in the preset is listed below.

Preset0001=CH Flightstick

Preset0002=CH F-16 Combatstick

Preset0003=CH F-16 Flightstick

Preset0004=CH Virtual Pilot Pro

Preset0005=Dexxa Joystick

Preset0006=Forte VR Headset

Preset0007=Genius Joystick

Preset0008=Gravis PC Pro Joystick

Preset0009=Gravis Grip Pad

Preset0010=Gravis PC Gamepad

Preset0011=InterAct PC Flight Force Pro

Preset0012=InterAct PC Pro Pad 4

Preset0013=InterAct PC Raider

Preset0014=InterAct PC Program Pad

Preset0015=InterAct V3 Advanced FX Racing Wheel

Preset0016=Joystick-To-Mouse Advanced

Preset0017=Logitech Wingman Joystick

Preset0018=Logitech Wingman Extreme Joystick

Preset0019=Microsoft Sidewinder Standard

Preset0020=Microsoft Sidewinder 3D Pro

Preset0021=MSC Cobra Joystick

Preset0022=QuickShot Avenger

Preset0023=QuickShot Interceptor

Preset0024=QuickShot Skyhawk

Preset0025=QuickShot Skymaster

Preset0026=QuickShot Squadron Commander

Preset0027=RJ Cooper's SAM Joystick

Preset0028=Standard USB Joystick

Preset0029=Standard Gameport Joystick

Preset0030=Suncom Technologies Night Force


Preset0032=Thrustmaster F-16 FLCS

Preset0033=Victormaxx VIR One

Preset0034=Vivitar WJ2000 Infrared Joystick

The following lists the settings that are preserved within a preset:





























































QuickSet[0]-[9] (10 entries)

EnhancedSet[0]-[9] (10 entries)

CustomSet[0]-[9] (10 entries)
































This is a global section, INI only settings


Action0001=File Manager / Assign,0,21,11,6,0,1,9,13,

Action0002=Hover! / Stop

Action0003=Program Manager / Assign,0,6,55,53,0,1,9,13,

The Actions section defines the settings for the AutoSense feature. EnableActions=1 enables the AutoSense feature. Note that this will affect system performance, and adding many different applications to the Action List may slow down the system considerably! EnableActions=0 disables AutoSense, and none of the Action Settings are used within Joystick-To-Mouse.

The Action0001, Action0002, etc. listing provides up to 100 application settings - the text before the slash (/) defines the name of the Window. It matches these settings against the Window name as established by the Application. It will match up to the length of the text entry here. A single trailing space is ignored. For example, entering a "W" would match ALL windows that start the Window Name with a "W". The Window name is displayed in the Caption bar within Windows. The 2 Actions are Assign & Stop.

Assign - will re-assign button settings as defined within Joytick-To-Mouse. The 8 values correspond to the same list of button settings (as in OneButton1, OneButton2, etc. above). The trailing comma is important! In all cases, accessing these through Joystick-To-Mouse is recommended. Stop - this will Stop Joystick-To-Mouse Operation (i.e. Joystick-To-Mouse OFF) while the window is active. This is useful for games or other applications that may use the joystick device. Once another Window becomes active, the Joystick-To-Mouse operation will begin automatically (i.e. Joystick-To-Mouse ON).

This is a global section, INI only settings


ControlPanel1=CONTROL.EXE JOY.CPL,,0

ControlPanel2=CONTROL.EXE JOY.CPL,,1

ControlPanel3=CONTROL.EXE SYSDM.CPL,Add New Hardware,1

ControlPanel4=CONTROL.EXE SYSDM.CPL,Add New Hardware,2


These are the various entry points into the various control panel applets for handling the joystick in the various versions of windows. They should not be modified except under direction from Joystick-To-Mouse support.








These are internal settings used to control various actions within the enhanced settings. These should not be modified except under direction from Joystick-To-Mouse support.






These are the settings used for the POV actions, in degrees x 100 These are the default settings, with the Range used to handle continuous readings (most joysticks use discrete, fixed values).


This is a count down used when the buttons are set to move the cursor (X or Y). This handles the 2 steps used during motion to increase the speed. Changing the value lower increases the speed quicker, higher, the longer it will take to increase speed. To disable the acceleration, set Multiply=0.

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