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Build-A-Board Run-Time Target: Linux

The run-time Linux files are built on 2 different targets - 32-bit, and 64-bit. If you need another target type, please contact IMG Technical Support.

Linux - 32 bit (UNICODE 2.20)

Linux - 64 bit (UNICODE 2.20)

Target Files


This is the My-T-Soft executable that reads the KEYBOARD.KBF layout (or multiple file layouts), and displays the window to the user.


This is the Macro Batch Processor. It is the support process for managing inter-process communication and handling low-level interface issues.



The KBF file is the default display file for the My-T-Soft Board (from Build-A-Board). Any other KBF files are projects that have been built - With each successful build, a KEYBOARD.KBF and a ProjectName.KBF file are created in the Target folder.

Deploying My-T-Soft Build-A-Board custom layouts onto Linux

There are 2 aspects - the My-T-Soft software (program), and then the custom KBF file (data).

Step 1: Get built KBF (& install files)

From Build-A-Board, after you have designed, then Built the layout, you can go to the Run-time menu | View Project Run-Time Targets folder (or use Shift-F11) to open explorer and view the target location. You will find a LINUX32 or LINUX64 folder - this can be copied to a new "target" Linux system.

Step 2: Install on Linux system

The pre-built binary files will extract into a my-t-soft sub-directory. Be sure to copy the tar.gz file into your home or Desktop folder (as appropriate). Copy the my-t-soft_????.tar.gz file onto the Linux system, and extract (at command line) with tar zxf my-t-soft_????.tar.gz[Enter] - this will create a my-t-soft folder with the program, data, and support files. There will be run-time information in a README.txt file. If you run My-T-Soft (e.g. ./my-t-soft/mytsoft[Enter]), you will see the demo layouts.

Step 3: Drop in your custom KBF

From the Copied files, you will see a KEYBOARD.KBF and a [Your Project Name].KBF - for testing, if only 1 layout, just copy the KEYBOARD.KBF to the ./my-t-soft folder (make sure My-T-Soft is closed). Then run My-T-Soft, and you will see your custom layout.


  1. Get My-T-Soft on the target first - you can download the demo from the website, or copy the .tar.gz file from the Targets location, and install.

  2. To run My-T-Soft, just use the command line, or a file manager - open the My-T-Soft folder, then double-click on My-T-Soft - depending on the Window Manager, you may need to create an Application link or Desktop shortcut - also refer to the README.txt installed with the run-time binary software.

  3. My-T-Soft is the program, the KBF file is the data. Currently, for simplicity, all data must be in the ./my-y-soft location - just copy KEYBOARD.KBF in (overwrite existing) and run My-T-Soft.

  4. As you make updates, just copy in KEYBOARD.KBF from each new build. Once My-T-Soft is on the target, you just need to copy in your "new" data file, i.e. updated .kbf file. Think Word Processer (Program) and a Document File (Data) - the .kbf is the .doc, and each revision (build) creates an updated .kbf data file.

  5. The Target folder (View Run-Time Targets in Explorer) for your project will always have the most recently build KEYBOARD.KBF.

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